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Gab es in Makedonien Drachen?

Gab es in Makedonien Drachen? Wohl ja (zwinker), denn zu dieser Erkenntnis kam Edward Topsell in seinem Werk "History of four-footed beasts and serpents" aus dem Jahr 1607, auf der Seite 704.

Laut Edward Topsell soll es in Makedonien zahme Drachen gegeben haben, welche von den Leuten dort als Haustiere gehalten worden sind. Kinder sollen sogar auf den Drachen reiten und sie, ohne dafür angegriffen zu werden, ärgern können. Die Drachen wurden von den Frauen Makedoniens gestillt und durften sogar bei ihren Haltern im Bett schlafen.

"There are likewise other kinde of Dragons in Macedonia, where they are so meek, that woman feed them and suffer them suck their breasts like little children. Their Infants also play with them, riding upon them and pinching them, as they would do with Dogs without any harm, and sleeping with them in their beds."

Auf der Seite davor können wir auch Angaben entnehmen, dass Alexander der Große über Drachen Sichtungen berichtet haben soll, so schreibt Topsell:

"It is also reported, that Alexander among many other Beasts which he saw in India, did there finde in a certain den a Dragon of seaventy cubits long, which the Indians accounted a sacred Beast, and therefore intreated Alexander to do it no harm. When it uttered the voyce with full breath, it terri∣fied his whole Army: they could never see the proportion of his body, but only the head, and by that they guessed the quantity of the whole body, for one of his eyes in their appearance seemed as great as a Macedonian buckler. Maximus Tyrius writeth that in the days of Alexander, there was like∣wise seen a Dragon in India, as long as five roods of lands are broad, which is incredible. For he likewise saith that the Indians did feed him every day with many several Oxen and Sheep. It may be that it was the same spoken of before, which some ignorant men, and such as were given to set forth fables, amplyfied beyond measure and credit."

Edward Topsell (1607), History of four-footed beasts and serpents, Seite 704.

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